Full of Boys

Finding the adventure in the blues, greens and grays of life!

His story continues October 9, 2008

Filed under: Family — fullofboys @ 6:55 am
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Click here to read the first portion of this story.

Tuesday morning I woke up at 4am to the sound of Silas screaming. I pulled myself out of bed and went to his room. There he was, holding his blanket and says ‘ear hurt’. I must tell you that my heart skipped a beat. The funny thing is, if Isaiah or Joel said that to me, I would simply tell them to try to go to sleep and talk about it again when the sun comes up. Not so easy with Silas. This was a day I anticipated but wasn’t sure when it would come.

Almost a year ago Silas had tubes placed in his ears. At that time we were battling constant ear infections coupled with aspiration (liquid going into his lungs). The first year of his life seemed like medicines and doctor visits. Right at a year he received the tubes. I was nervous but he did great…and everything started to improve. We visit the ENT every 4 months. A couple months ago he told me that the tubes were coming out. The last couple months I kept thinking that an ear infection can come at any time.

Tuesday was the day. I took him to the doctor and sure enough, the tubes were out and he has an infection in one ear. At first I was sad…mostly because I knew he felt horrible. Yet, as I told my friend, there was freedom today. I do not wonder anymore if they are in place or not, I know. I have a lot of questions…some which can only be answered in time. Around the time of the tubes, the aspiration stopped. No one really knew whether he out grew it or if somehow the tubes were helping. I was simply grateful that it had diminished.

We would still have scares of it. I remember visiting my friend Christy in Texas. The last night we were there is aspirated. I called the doctor from Texas, made an appointment right then. I literally flew into town and took him straight to the doctor. Those moments create an unusual mix of fear and peace. God continues to hold my hand through all the situations.

So now we wait. this is ear infection number 1…and I am hopeful the last one! But at least know how to react now if he complains of his ear.