Full of Boys

Finding the adventure in the blues, greens and grays of life!

Thankful Thursday – Father’s Day June 12, 2008

Filed under: Thankful Thursday,Thankfulness — fullofboys @ 6:36 am
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With Father’s Day upon us, I thought I would tell you some of the reasons I am thankful for my dad and my father in law (who is like another dad to me). Since I spent last week covering my thankfulness for Heath, I think these other men in my life deserve some blog time too. These men are a significant part of our lives. For that reason, we chose Joel’s middle name after my dad and Silas’ middle name after my father in law.

My dad is a kind man. He is quick to listen and slow to give his opinion. He is wise, although he would never admit it (kind of like Heath!). My dad never stops learning! For Father’s Day my sister, brother and I got him a book by Albert Einstein (no spoilers, we gave it to him last weekend). He was genuinely excited. I personally could not tell you what the title meant, let alone anything written in that book. Here are a couple more reasons I am so very thankful for my father.

*He stands by my mom. They have been married over 25 years and they are still going. When mom went through ovarian cancer (twice) he stood there, unmoved in his faith. I can remember literally yelling at my dad one night on the phone during that time as I worked through my anger. He was clam, reminded me that we were not in control and that God had a purpose, even if he could not understand it.
* I am his favorite. So is my sister. So is my brother. For as long as I can remember he called us all his favorites. My sister is 2 years younger than me so I always appreciated that he favored us both. My sister is also super smart, just like my dad. While she was taking classes like Latin and Advanced Biology, I did my best to wade through basic English and Math. He never made me feel unequal.
*My dad understands marriage, and not just for him and mom but for Heath and me. He knew that getting married meant letting me go. He has done so with grace and love. There were times as my wedding date approached that I would seek him for advice. He would gently direct me in the way of my future husband. He was and is completely selfless.
*He is a wonderful ‘Grandpa’ to my boys. Their faces light up when he is around. He loves them without boundaries or conditions. He laughs with them and feels their pain.

My father in law is also one of the most important men in my life. While I hear the horror stories of relationships with in laws, I am completely blessed by mine. My Father in Law welcomed me into his house with open arms. He allowed me to not just marry into his family but to be part of it. He is the most sarcastic man I know, always full of a joke. Yet he has the most tender heart and cares deeply for those he loves. He loves my children as if they were his. He takes time for them often. Whether riding them around in the Ranger or pushing them in the ‘buggy’ he makes the boys feel important. He gives of his time and resources to care for them. I can not imagine their ‘Pappy’ missing from their lives.

I am blessed by two families that I love and adore. Both fathers truly complete our lives.


6 Responses to “Thankful Thursday – Father’s Day”

  1. Susan Says:

    Wow, what a beautiful tribute to your father! My mom used to tell us we were all her favorites also. Then she told us not to tell our other brothers and sisters. Guess what we did right away? TELL! It was so cute.

    God has truly blessed you with 2 mighty men of God.

    Happy TT♥

  2. Laurie Ann Says:

    What a wonderful tribute to the Dads in your life. God bless your thankful heart.

  3. mama meji Says:

    This post brought tears to my eyes. I am so fond of my father and I just echo the same appreciation as your to my father. He’s always taken care of us. when my husband couldn’t be with me during labor, he was there for me. He took care of everyone in the family- and the pets and animals at home. 🙂

  4. Sharon Says:

    You are indeed blessed. You are blessed with the greatest dad in the world (don’t tell my dad I said that! lol); you are blessed with a wonderful fil….God bless you!

  5. Iris Says:

    What a beautiful tribute to the fathers in your life. The both sound like that they have their heart in the right place. So sweet that your dad stood by your mom in both cases of cancer…

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours…

  6. Laurie Says:

    Great post! It gave me lots to think about…I too am a “Favored” DIL, (I am also his ONLY DIL) ;))

    Thanks for the fun time today at the treehouse! You may not believe this, but I sometimes have trouble making new friends and Cross Point has given me the opportunity to come out of my shell some. Weird huh???

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