Full of Boys

Finding the adventure in the blues, greens and grays of life!

Weekend Recap August 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — fullofboys @ 12:42 pm

Much happened in our house this weekend. It is hard to imagine that so much can fill two days! Here are the highlights!

*We started Saturday off with a trip to my parent’s house. The older boys swam with Grandpa while mom and I took Silas to get his two year pictures made (and they turned out great!). After lunch, Stephen got in the pool with all the boys and Grandpa.

*This was my last official Sunday with Kidz World. I made it a point to be in the service as Chad announced that Leslie was the new Children’s Director at CP Dickson. I had such a range of emotions and it was quite unexpected. Part of my wanted to jump up from my seat as I was clapping and let out a loud cheer. I know Leslie will do a phenomenal job and I so excited to see what she and Pat have in store for the Dickson campus! At the same time, I found myself fight back some tears. A chapter in my life is closing. I have made some great friends that I will not see on a regular basis anymore. I became acutely aware of my blessings that came from serving!

*Our small group launched again! Our group took a break during the last month or so and I was missing everyone! We have two new couples in our group too! Last night was a fun night as we just tried to get to know everyone a little better. It was fun to get with these people and laugh out loud! We love our group. Now I am looking forward to our new study, Grace Based Parenting!

What was your weekend like?


One Response to “Weekend Recap”

  1. CRAZY!! Trying to get ready for school! I KNOW you’re busy with it all… 🙂

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