Full of Boys

Finding the adventure in the blues, greens and grays of life!

Boy’s Laundry Baskets May 14, 2008

Filed under: children,chores,Family,Works For Me Wednesday — fullofboys @ 8:06 am

I have not done a Works for Me Wednesday post in quite some time. I would like to tell you it was because I was so efficient that I just could not choose one thing to highlight. Yeah – you aren’t buying that are you? I don’t blame you. Life gets busy and then I just sit in front of the computer wondering what the heck I think works well in my house! I have to tell you that one of the things that is so time consuming in this house is laundry. Just imagine, a hubby and three boys, the laundry can be endless. I always bring the laundry to my room and fold it on my bed. I can see the boys from there so I can see if they are getting in trouble rather than just hear. However, after 3 or 4 loads, the piles are overwhelming. And before you say it, I know, I could put them all away after each load. But honestly, I find it easier to make sure all the shirts are in the same pile whether they are white or black. I am just a little picky like that. So on my bed sits all this laundry. I decided some time ago that the boys would help put away some of their clothes. You know, the ones that can be thrown in a drawer with little care and still be ok. I normally hand each one a couple pairs or socks or underwear and they make a couple trips from my room to theirs. I grew a little weary of this relay and decided to fix it. I went to the dollar store and picked up a couple rectangle baskets with handles in different colors. Now, as I fold their socks or underwear, I put them in the baskets. After all the laundry is folded, I simply hand the basket to them. They have one trip to their room and then they return the basket for the next laundry day. it works for me! Check out what works for others at Rocks in My Dryer!


3 Responses to “Boy’s Laundry Baskets”

  1. Stephenie F. Says:

    That’s a great idea (and how wonderful that your boys are so willing to be helpful and put their stuff away!) I think I’m going to try it and add “put away your laundry” to my boys’ chore list. Thanks!

  2. Rachel Says:

    Yes, I do the same thing. Jim & I share a basket, Bix has a blue basket and Josey has a pink basket. I usually have them bring their hampers to the laundry room & we sort the clothes together by colors and then they like tossing them into the washer as well as loading the dryer. I want to have kids who know how to do all household chores instead of letting good ol’ Mom be their maid for 18 years. Figure both their future roommates and spouses will appreciate this.

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