Full of Boys

Finding the adventure in the blues, greens and grays of life!

Flying to Jesus June 19, 2008

Molly went to be held by the angel’s tonight. I wish there were more words I could type but honestly, my heart is filled with grief. I never met Molly, never held her in my arms. Yet, her little life has changed me. I can not put into words what I feel or how I have grown, yet. However, I hope to one day share with you all as well as Rebecca and Jacob what they have all meant to me.

Christy quoted a Chris Rice song that really sums up a lot.

And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world goodbye then go in peace and laugh on Glory’s side. And Fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, Fly to Jesus Molly and LIVE!

What a difficult road this family has ahead of them as they remember and grieve for their little girl. I know they covet your prayers. Rebecca has said that she wants everyone to hear the gospel through Molly’s story. I know she has impacted my life, what about you? If you read this and have been impacted, please comment. Or do you have a sentiment you would like to express? Please leave it below. I believe it would mean a lot to Jacob and Rebecca to know that their daughter is making a difference. We plan on making a book of all the comments received from here and elsewhere for them and giving it to the family soon.


7 Responses to “Flying to Jesus”

  1. Christy Says:

    Thank you my sweet friend! You could send me all the comments and we could like make a book or something for them! What a treasured gift that would be! I have scrapbook stuff here I could make it out of. Just throwing out thoughts. I LOVE YOU!

  2. Karen Says:

    I just got back from my walk looking at the gorgeous sunset in CO and crying my eyes out for Molly, Rebecca and Jake knowing that the time was near. Now my heart just breaks for them but rejoices at the same time that she has seen Jesus! As the mother of four, I can not begin to fathom losing your firstborn child. My prayers are still with them as they continue on this journey that no one ever wants. What a huge testimony they have been so far! The song “Held” comes to mind so I will hold my kids tighter tonight and pray that Jesus will HOLD Molly tight and also HOLD Rebecca and Jake. Good night with a sad heart:(

  3. Kelsey Says:

    MAy God Bless You and everyone involved. I am praying! Stay Strong.

  4. Alice Says:

    I do not know Rebecca or Jacob personally (I was high school friends with Ashley and my husband, Brian, friends with Ben) We are very fond of the Rainey family and how they always point people to God in every situation.

    We are praying for the Rainey and Mutz families through this difficult time. It has made me hug my two girls more in the last few days. There is something to be said about SO many people talking about a sweet baby Molly and her short little life. She will leave a mark on this world in more ways than we probably know, hopefully leading others to Christ.

  5. Laura H Says:

    It has been so long since I have seen such a spectacular sunset in Colorado as I saw last night. I know it was a gift from God as sweet Molly went home to meet Jesus. In the weeks that followed the death of our Pearl it seemed that each sunset was pink….I am praying for those reminders to be sent for the Mutz and Rainey family. Praying they will know what it means to be held….held more tightly than ever before.

  6. Cindy and John Zeigler Says:

    Jacob and Becca,

    We are so sorry for sorrow. Even with that we know that you are allowing the Lord to “surround you with His pillows of GRACE,” so that “not one speck of your beings will be without its surround.” We cannot imagine your loss, nor your parents’ loss. God is so very faithful.
    God’s speaks to the earth so many times through heaven’s phenomena. (Remember the rainbow after the FLood?) The evening that He welcomed Molly into His arms was no different.
    (Thank You, Lord, for THE SUNSET that spoke to the hearts of so many people who witnessed it, that You were so involved in all the parts of these events.) May we always remember sweet little Molly Ann when we see Your divine sunsets.
    Our family is praying for and crying with you and your families. We love you!

    John and Cindy

  7. Kay Heikes Says:

    Here is a wonderful blog from a young mother who lost her brand new baby girl at birth too. This is her blog about how others can help when a mother is grieving the loss of her child. It would be very helpful for friends of Rebecca.


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