Full of Boys

Finding the adventure in the blues, greens and grays of life!

Taking to be thankful May 8, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — fullofboys @ 6:20 am

It has been some time since I have done a Thankful Thursday post. I really hate that too. I think it is too easy to go through my week and forget to be thankful for big and small things. I had to really think about my list this week. Here are just a few items.

* A couple weeks ago I found out one of my closest friends, Carrie, is having a boy! Sawyer is scheduled to make his arrival in September. We dearly love Alan and Carrie. They have been wonderful to our boys and our boys adore them. I can not wait to see them raise their own little guy!

* My husband is simply amazing! Last Friday was my birthday. When I awoke, there was a new place setting (just one) at the table all in pink! It included two glasses, two plates and a bowl. There was also a pink lotion and bubble bath with it. While I am not sure if everyone woman dream of waking to this, it was perfect for me. The card simply said “So you will know you are THE girl in our house. Love your boys”. I sometimes get caught up in the day to day life of being a mom of boys (which I love) but there are times I just want to be the girl! To top off the evening, he surprised me with a trip to Target to buy this. Got to love that man!

* May has been a great month for me making cakes. I have more orders this month than the last two combined! Two of the people are referrals this month! It is so exciting to get to meet new people!

* Ball park – I live there. Ok, live might be stretching it, a little. We are there at least 3 nights a week…sometimes 4. Plus we have games on Saturday. However, I love it. I get the chance to keep score for Isaiah’s team. No one told me it was not a simple, mark a run, though. I have to keep up with hits, outs, runs and strikes. But it is so much fun. I get the chance to be in the dugout with Joel’s team which keeps me involved there. I never knew I would like ball so much. I told Heath that I just wish I knew more…then I could help the coaches!

Needless to say, these are busy but very exciting days for us! What are you Thankful for in your life today? Check out other people’s thoughts at Sting My Heart.


8 Responses to “Taking to be thankful”

  1. Melanie Says:

    Sounds like you are one lucky lady with a sweet husband and wonderful boys to spend “ball park” time with! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  2. denise Says:

    Welcome back, and happy belated birthday. Wishing you sweet blessings.

  3. We’re living at the ball park too. Email me pictures of your cakes, I need inspiration and ideas! 🙂

  4. Mary Says:

    Great post. You certainly do have much to be thankful for and Happy belated Birthday.

    Blessings for a great Mother’s Day.

  5. Gina Says:

    That sounds like a lot of blessings. Happy Mother’s Day to you.

  6. Darlene Says:

    Welcome back. Great TT post.
    Have a great week and Happy Mother’s Day!

  7. Krista Says:

    Oh wow, you got a Wii for your birthday?!!! That’s awesome! And I would say I hope you had a great day, but it sounds like you did!

  8. Your “Thankful Thursday” is a great reminder, Jenn, for me to take time to appreciate the little blessings, too. I’ve had such an amazing Mother’s Day with extra hugs, hand-made gifts, and special treatment. I’m so very thankful for my incredible husband, son, and daughter and for all the small stuff. Thanks for your always insightful post!

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